Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Two!!

Day two with BUMP missions!  This morning we started with breakfast at Grace church, and then headed over to Mantua Community Improvement Committee.  This was an organization that kept the streets and lawns in the Mantua neighborhood clean.  Most of the streets in Philly are completely littered with trash- everywhere you walk you step into trash.  We walked up and down in this part of town sweeping up the trash, making sure the streets were clean. We prayed as we walked along, prayed for the people living in these neighborhoods and prayed for God's Word to be spread.

John 13:15 says "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."  This verse was in our devotion a couple days ago- and it is just a reminder that we are here to serve. To serve as Christ served.  He set an example for us and He has asked us to follow it.  

After we worked at MCIC, we came back to Grace church for lunch.  The church has several families staying here off and on. Last night there was family that recently moved form Africa to New York. This family primaraly speaks French, so connecting with them has been a little more difficult.  They are incredibly sweet children, though.  During lunch, several of us exchanged words- us learning French ones and the little kids learning English ones. 

This is Phanuelle and Andrew. Phanuelle is nine years old and Andrew is one.

Tonight we are going to be leading VBS again.  Please pray for a safe evening- for protection for the kids. Pray for all of the members in our group to be alert and to be able connect well with the kids :)  Thank you all!

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