Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day Three!

This morning we went back to SMRM and helped them clean up the streets around their building

After cleaning up and sorting through some clothes, we got a chance to actually talk to the men at the shelter.  Some of them were not very receptive, but most were open and wanting to talk. The stories they had to tell were amazing.  It's incredible how many of these men live lives like this because of jobs or bad circumstances.  Some, yes, have had messed up lives because of drugs and alcohol, but not every one.  We talked a lot about the Phillies :)  ...and gave them a little bit of a hard time by comparing the Cardinals to them.  It was cool, though, to get this chance to talk and to really listen.  (We also stayed for their chapel service). 

Please continue to pray for VBS!  As the nights go on, the kids get more and more comfortable with where they are at and who they are with.  This is a good thing-- in some ways.  We've had new kids coming in each night and that combined with the kids who feel very much at home, things are getting a little bit harder.  Several kids in particular are not listening and causing a lot of distractions for the other kids.  
Other than that, it is going well. We've had such a good time connecting with the kids- our relationships are getting stronger and this is encouraging and at the same time eye opening.  A lot of these kids have very hard lives at home and as they've been opening up to us, it's been hard to listen and not be able to do much about it.  We are trying to love them, though, with Christ's love.  

Thank you for your prayers! We appreciate them so much. 

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