Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day Four

Today was our final full day of work here in Philadelphia.  This morning we went back to Mantua and cleaned up again. We took two streets all the way from 31st to 40th.

We had devotions this afternoon with a pastor here at Grace church- his name was Pastor Theodore. He is from Cameroon but moved here to America several years ago with his wife. He ministers here at the church.  He shared his experience moving here and the difficulties he had moving in and finding a job.  Afterwards we had devotions and then started in on our final night of Vacation Bible School.

Thank you so much for your prayers here.  God has surprised us in many ways- especially with the children. Quite a few of them received Christ tonight which was encouraging for us to see.  We've been able to build some good relationships with the kids in our group.  It's been a blessing to talk to them and watch them open up as the week went on.  We're praying Christ will continue to work in their lives!

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