Thursday, July 18, 2013

Reflections from BUMP Philly

BUMP Philadelphia was a little different for me as an intern, since I was on-site for both BUMP weeks. I grew up doing BUMPs, and this summer I had the opportunity to intern with BUMP as a site leader. Throughout my time in Philadelphia, I came to better understand God' heart for the city and experience many of the different ministries going on in Philadelphia. 

One of the really cool ways I saw God work in the community while we were at BUMP was getting to be part of a church plant that was going on during the first BUMP week. Redemption Church, planted in South Philly in the Point Breeze neighborhood, was gearing up for it's first service at the end of that week. We were able to walk around the neighborhood talking to people about the church and it's first service, and far more people than I ever expected to be interested kept asking us about the church and what it was about. We even prayed with some people, and one guy prayed for us on the street that the church would have success. It really encouraged us as we went out to talk to people about the church. We also helped Pastor Will clean up the church building in preparation for the service. While I wasn't able to be physically present at the first service, Pastor Will and the group that went were incredibly happy with the turnout and the interest in the community. It was clear that God is filling a need in that neighborhood. 

It was also awesome to see the students growing and serving over the course of the week. In the second week of BUMP, we did a VBS with the church. After the first night of debriefing, I asked the students to pray for kids who they got to know. One of the BUMPers prayed for one of the kids, Daemar, who had acted up a little during the VBS. We prayed that God would open his heart and bring him back for day two of VBS. The second day he was a little crazier and his Mom ended up coming and taking him home before the end of day two. We prayed for him again, and he came back on the third day and was participating more and helping other kids with the games and crafts. On the last day, Daemar accepted Christ because he wanted to be more like his BUMP rotation leader, the one who'd been praying for him all week. It was an amazing answer to prayer, and a privilege to witness God working in the life of Daemar. 

In general, it was really awesome seeing the BUMPers change and grow over the course of the week. Both weeks the groups came prepared to serve and had a lot of energy, which was amazing. They also persevered remarkably well, in the case of the second week they kept up the energy at the end of the week for the VBS even though they were tired, and in the case of the first week the group they stayed excited to do the often inglorious work of cleaning up the community, assisting with the church plant, and working on a new room in Grace Church. It was encouraging to see the groups have deepened relationships with each other and hear them talk about how they were seeing God work in their own lives and each other. 

As for myself, I one of the most important things I learned about myself is that all you need to serve God is a willing heart. I was nervous about being the point guy for the week for an awful lot of people. I wasn't sure if I was up for the task, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle it. I also wasn't sure if I was good enough to lead in God's name. I struggle with things all the time, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to model Jesus for the people looking up to me. Of course, I make plenty of mistakes and I'd rather not think of myself as a worthy model, but I do know that I am broken and that God can still use me. He fills my deficiencies and used me to further his purpose, and I am very thankful that God used me over the week and I hope that I was able to follow His plan faithfully through the week. It was great personally to look back over BUMP Philadelphia and realize that I am a capable leader, and that God can use me, and that I can make a difference in the lives of other people. I think that was the most powerful thing that I learned, and it's something that I know I'll need to be reminded of. I suppose that's the great thing about mission work: God never gets tired of using us, He always has work for us, and He can always continue to show us things about ourselves. I was incredibly fortunate to be able to work with the leaders at Grace Church in Philadelphia and with the three groups that came over the course of the two weeks of BUMP Philadelphia.

At the start of the week, I wasn't sure how much I'd like the city. As was pointed out to me by the site leader at Grace Church, Walt, Philadelphia's motto Philadelphia Maneto (written on the city flag) comes straight from Hebrews 13:1. The words of scripture have power over the city, and it was inspiring to serve God there and also feel his love for a city that needs Him. The city has a real need for God, and it's so easy to forget how we need to fulfill God's call to reach the nations in our own cities. It was a real joy to serve in Philadelphia alongside so many others dedicated to the city. It was great to grow myself and see others develop a passion to serve God and find His will in their own lives. It was an unforgettable BUMP. 

Monday, July 8, 2013

"We experienced God in the process..."

"This BUMP experience has been fantastic... We did not just talk about serving and loving people, we did it every day, all day," writes Pastor Craig Maart of Hershey Free Church. "We experienced the sights and smells. We walked through beautiful downtown and trash-filled streets. We met people we would have judged harshly, based on appearance, who were really nice and friendly to talk to. We felt the needs of people. However, all this pales in comparison to how we experienced God in the process."

To read Pastor Craig's full blog entry summarizing their BUMP 2013 Philadelphia week, click here.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Post BUMP--Reflections from the Intern

It's been a long and incredibly rewarding week of BUMP. I don't think I've ever worked so many hours in a week before and been so grateful for every bit of it. The time I spent in this church, this community, and with this group has been so incredible for me.

When I first got here, I was very excited to serve this church but I wasn't sure how great of a leader I'd be. After all, I'm only a few years ahead of the kids I'd be leading and several years junior to the pastors and youth pastors coming to serve and already serving here who have had plenty of experience in ministry. I wanted to do a good job facilitating the relationships between this church, the incoming leaders, and the students themselves. Most of all, I wasn't sure how God would be able to use me, busted and incapable as I am, to be a good example to the people I'd be working with. 

On the first Sunday when they got here, one week ago today, I was nervous about running the orientation. I had all the usual self-conscious questions: Would I forget to cover anything? Would I be comfortable speaking in front of them? Would they respect me? Would the leaders respect me? Would I honor God? As I watched them all come into the church, I remember feeling overwhelmed by how many of them there were, and (oddly enough) how young they all looked. I'm probably not allowed to think high schoolers are young, but they reminded me of myself when I was doing BUMP and it felt really weird being on the leadership side of the whole thing. I remember praying that God would use us all and show us something really cool that we'd all need to see this coming week. 

I also remember one of the most fundamental lessons I'd learned in BUMP coming back to me: to rely on God for all my shortcomings. He works best when we're outside of our comfort zones, and we can do all things through him when we are not enough. God was pushing me into a new place, and I decided I'd follow him into the week.

And boy, what a week. God gave me everything that I needed. He gave me the respect of the church leaders and of the BUMP leaders. He gave me the connections I desired with the BUMPers. He gave me leadership experience and allowed me to learn from the other leaders. He gave me the wisdom and flexibility to deal with the ins and outs of each day. And most importantly, he gave me the words to say throughout the week, the confidence to lead, and the feedback to improve myself.

There was so much encouragement this week, too. I haven't been very involved with BUMP or urban ministry since I started college, so it's been great to get back and see what God shows you. Our first day of Day Camp, I was able to get to know a little girl named Malea. She was saved that first day, and she made me a craft which meant a lot to me. It reminded me how a little love and attention can go a long way, especially in the life off a child. I also got a lot of encouragement working in South Philly helping a church plant. So many people approached us asking about the church and asked a lot of questions as we walked around, and we even prayed with a few people on the street (and had one guy pray for us!) It was awesome to be reminded that God is at work in everyone everywhere, and it was an awesome thing to be reminded of.

I think the best thing was forming relationships with the BUMPers and the leaders here. At the beginning of the week I was overwhelmed, and by the end I knew all their names and was playing 16-square with them in the basement of the church.  

Friday, June 28, 2013

BUMP from the Eyes of a 15 Year Old


I'm Elizabeth, and I'm not the person who usually writes this blog, so I thought you should know that.  I'm fifteen, going to be a sophomore, and I have been a part of the Hershey Free Church for eleven years.  I really didn't know what I was getting into when I signed up for this trip.  Honestly, I didn't have expectations for anything.  I just thought I'd roll with what's going on and so far it's working.

The first full day we spent here was Monday, and my group, the Pretzel Rods, went to Pastor Will Turner's area.  He's going to be started a church called Point Breeze, I think.  I remember the name because I thought of summer when I first read/heard it.  The majority of the group went to a Day Care place a couple of blocks from Pastor Will's house.  For two hours straight, we pulled weeds and swept up.  And I don't mean those little weeds in your mom's garden that legitimately cooperate with your gentle tugging on weeds were the kind you have to yell at and use all of your muscles (and a shovel too) to pull only halfway out.  Then, you get some of your buddies to cheer you on while you're looking like an idiot and trying to pull the weed.  And then maybe the weed will come out.  Anyway.  It was very much an eventful first day.  We got some delicious cheesesteaks that only Philly can make well and headed back to the Grace Church in Feltonville.

Everyone grouped up for the children's day camp we are running with Grace Church.  There are five groups: crafts, music, sports, drama, and drums.  Because I play the piano, I belong to the music group.  I had to write a sort of testimony relating to the theme: God's got everything under control.  I spent some time in Joshua 1 and found some notes I had taken previously.  It was great to look back on.  I noticed that in that chapter alone God says "be strong and courageous" four times.  Why do we not listen to Him then?  We're just dust in the bigger picture and we worry about things like money and who's hanging out with who.  Anyway, I think I wrote out my testimony well.

The next day, Tuesday, my group stayed at Feltonville.  The girls got a good bargain: we painted styrofoam for the day camp.  The guys got to do some sort of manly thing that I'm not very well informed about.  Then, our first day of day camp began.

We did not start off strong.  Probably, you expected me to say I was surprised because it was packed the first day.  But it wasn't.  Each group had five kids or less; my group had one.  Also, it started pouring halfway through the camp.  Honestly, it was a bit disheartening.  But that's okay because God works according to His plan, not ours.  Fortunately, everyone received amazing news.  A little girl named Malea accepted Christ!  My friend Kayla was crying tears of joy, and everyone was extremely happy.  Even though not many children attended, much was accomplished that day.

Wednesday.  My group went to University City to pick up trash and MAN was it hot!  My family group split up into teams of three or four.  Somehow, there turned out to be two group of just guys and two groups of just girls.  I thought to myself as we began, This is going to be a long day.  And then my friend Meghan found a bag of food infested with maggots, which I thought only confirmed my previous expectations.  Again, God decided to shake things up.  A very nice man approached the mini-group I was with and started basically preaching to us--he was very encouraging.  I will remember what he said for years to come: "You're here picking up trash outside, but that's not the point.  If that's all you came here to do, you're wasting your time.  It's about cleaning up the trash inside."  What a wise fellow.  About a block away later, we handed a flyer to a nice old woman, with whom we talked about everything from what's wrong with society to her experiences helping out the neighborhood.  Again, I walked away feeling encouraged.

Afterwards, the Pretzel Rods went out for pizza.  I got very hyper from the (roughly) 42 ounces of Diet Pepsi I drank.  So if my perception and observations are a bit skewed, you now know why.  We drove to a men's homeless shelter that is run by Christians.  The girls put together cutlery sets and the guys cut soap.  It was great to be working together as Christians in that way.  Then, we served the men dinner.  I have to tell you, I was a bit nervous because it's the city.  Expectations are overrated and anything can happen.  Anything.  However, I was happily surprised.  Many of them said thank you, and I was not majorly creeped out.  Yay!  I really felt used by God when I was working there.

Yesterday, which was Thursday, the Pretzel Rods went back to Pastor Will's area.  First, we all did a bit of what is called "prayer walking."  We handed out flyers for the church plant, Point Breeze, and talked to a few people.  Then, we went out for lunch.  I looked at salad like food sent from heaven after five days of cheesesteaks, which are good but in no way replace good old-fashioned rabbit food.  Afterwards, we all painted a tee shirt for tomorrow (Saturday), when Point Breeze officially begins.  For an hour or two, everyone cleaned up the site for the church.  My friend Kaitlyn and I scraped and painted a bench and ourselves, too.  Everyone else picked up tree-sized branches and threw them into a dumpster.  All in all, it was fun and eventful.

It was the last day of day camp, too.  I couldn't believe we were only there for three days, yet God used us to touch so many lives, and I didn't want to quit.  The kids were disappointed too.  Music turned out to be mostly fooling around with the keyboard, guitar, drum thingy, and ukulele.  We ended with a wonderful round of duck-duck-goose and a lot of horseplay.  My night finished with some girl bonding time, which was wonderful.

Today, all three groups became tourists.  We visited Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the mint, and some sort of church that has been around since the seventeenth century.  The majority of the group's flexibility in plans, sweetness, and servant-like attitude went down the drain, too.  I don't know why everyone else was in a mood funk, but I know why I was.  Pastor Craig told me to call my mom in between the time we went to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.  I knew EXACTLY what was up.  I'd been expecting some sort of call all week.

My great-grandfather died at three in the morning.  At first, I felt fine and I small-talked with my mom since I haven't had contact with her since Sunday.  But a little while after I handed the phone to my brother and told a few people, I started feeling it.  Everyone gets deep when they grieve; it's just who we are.  What is life?  We're just going to die in the end.  He must have felt so alone.  Why are we wasting our time sight-seeing when we could be changing people's lives?  For about ten minutes, I walked around quietly, thinking.  My friend Becca noticed after a bit and asked me what was wrong.  Basically, I fell into her arms and started sobbing.  It was weird how many people actually care when you get down to it.  I could really feel everyone trying to help me feel better.  Several people asked me if I was okay and told me they're here to talk.  Many assured me he's in heaven and doing better now.  I can't say I felt amazing, but I was definitely encouraged.

Around lunch-time, everyone cleaned up their act and apologized.  I started to loosen up and actually have fun.  We drove home, with everyone tired, and afterwards, a group of us went to the gas station to get snacks.  I sat down here and wrote.

I haven't a clue what I'm going to be taking away from this trip, but I can tell you at least one thing.  I feel loved.  There are so many people around whom I didn't even know cared about me so much.  I love my youth group family and I am loving this week.  We have one-and-a-half days left, and I don't regret a thing.  God is teaching me much and "I'm lovin' it."


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hard Work Yields "Heart" Work!

Relationship building is an outcome of BUMP. Team members strengthen relationships with each other and with the church they serve. The church served builds more relationships with the neighborhood they serve. And when God makes His presence known to individuals, saving relationships grow!

Be blessed as the Hershey team shares their labors, their fun and their growth on Day 5 of the BUMP week. Pray for the launch of Redemption Church in South Philly, Grace Lutheran Church and the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission.

People Are People!

You know God is at work when walls between people come down and eyes see the way God sees. The Day 4 Update reveals growth in the Hershey youth attending: "...students share a lot about how they are seeing people through eyes that are not as judgmental....People are people and we all need the same thing. It is so nice to see God work. I mean literally see it."

Father God  - Give us eyes to see and ears to hear wherever we are.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Servant Hearts Serving BUMP

After flexibility, one of the best things a BUMP participant can learn is what a servant heart REALLY looks like. 

"I wish you could be here and see what I am seeing in your kids. This is why Pastor David and I are in student ministry. When we see growth happen, students coming of out their shells and God is being served in community, we can't help but be encouraged and satisfied," says leader Craig Maart.

What a blessing to see students put this in action! Read more from "LifeWithCraig"

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Day #2--Flexibility in Action

As is typical for a BUMP week, things totally did not go according to plan today. As is also typical for a BUMP week, usually it's part of God's plan and he shows you some awesome things along the way.

The day started off strong with breakfast and devotions. Everyone was pretty excited to go to their respective work projects for the day. We had one group stay in Feltonville, another group go to South Philly to help Pastor Will with his church plant, and the rest of us went to West Philly to help MCIC clean up the streets. Unfortunately, due to my new-ness to the smart phone universe and GPS, we got to the mission about 20 minutes late. It was a good moment for me though, because I felt stupid that I was 21 and couldn't make a GPS work. But it was a real lesson in patience for me and trusting that the delay was somehow part of God's plan. 

I'm still not sure how it was, by the way. I might never know. Good news though, everything carried on pretty normally. 

We got to MCIC and Pastor John Davis, Pastor Andre and Ms. Jamilla. They split us up into five teams and gave us five streets to clean, up and down. We only had three leaders with us, so we had two teams step up, pick a leader, and work together to get the job done in the time allowed. I don't think any of us finished completely the assigned areas due to our lateness and running out of trash bags, but my group especially had some cool conversations as we went. We met one guy, Marcus, who asked what we were doing and why. We told him about Grace Church and MCIC, and he said he'd come down and volunteer with MCIC one day cause he really liked what we were doing. We also had a block captain and some guys chilling out on their stoop express their very deep (and lengthy...) appreciation. It felt great that we were making a genuine, noticed difference in the community.

Afterwards we all made it back (and no one got lost!) safe and sound. It was then, of course, that I figured out my GPS (had to have been a reason. Had to.) We went to a nearby pizza place, which gave a very unexpected discount because they asked about what a bunch of Hershey kids and an intern were up to in Philly. When I explained, they told us we were doing good work for a good cause and gave us a nice discount. Again, God was providing for us.

So then we got back to the Church (on perfect time. No issues like the morning. Still don't know why...) and got ready straight away for Day Camp in the nearby park. It was a bit discouraging off the bat because we had 10-15 kids in a huge park with about 30 BUMPers, which was obviously a bit intimidating for the kids. A few of us went to pass out some more fliers, and as we were getting back it started pouring rain almost out off nowhere. I was incredibly blessed to be working with such flexible BUMPers. Everyone broke down the camp incredibly quickly and we walked back down to the church to finish off day camp there, since we still had about half the time to go. We lost about half our kids, I think we brought 8 back with us.

Obviously, we hadn't prepared at all to hold Day Camp in the church. The sanctuary and the basement were both filled with the BUMPers sleeping things, the fellowship hall wasn't in very good order, and there was almost no time to give directions of where to set things up and how to continue the day. Everyone came back, carved out a spot (very creatively, I might add. The music people didn't bother the storytellers at all.) We had a couple quiet kids, but they stayed fairly engaged and some of them were. And almost everyone I talked to, even if they only had one kids in their group at a time, came back with a cool story about how the kids asked questions, had fun, and how some of them even did a lot to help us carry things back to the church.

The personal highlight of my day was a little girl who I'd walked back from the park with made me a craft and gave it to me at the end of the night. I don't know why necessarily, but it had been kind of a rough day with all the running around and planning and it really made me stop and realize how good God is. He used this little girl to brighten my day in a really great way. It just felt awesome to have that kind of impact on a child.

I'd prayed the night before and earlier in the day for God to give us the right amount of kids, and he did. The BUMPers got their kinks worked out, we were able to be really flexible, and it honestly might have been harder to manage if we had more kids or rowdier kids. They honestly did a great job, and after dinner I'm looking forward to hearing their stories about how they feel the day went. So far, so great.

Peace and Love,
Josh, the BUMP intern

Monday, June 24, 2013

"LifeWithCraig" Reports on Life at Philly Ministry Day 1!

Hershey Week at Grace Church Philly is underway and leader Craig Maart is documenting the week on his blog, "LifeWithCraig." Read his first post , pray and rejoice with God's work in and through this group!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Welcome to BUMP Philadelphia July 7th Week!

BUMP welcomes Olivet EFC, Spring Lake, MI, and Cornerstone EFC, Annandale, VA, to Philadelphia, partnering with Grace Church of Philadelphia for their second week of ministry!

Partner with us by praying for these churches and their city!

Friday, May 24, 2013

30 days to BUMP Philadelphia Week 1!

BUMP welcomes Hershey Free Church, Hummelstown, PA, as they partner with Grace Church of Philly for BUMP Philadelphia 2013 Week 1!

You can partner with them by praying daily for BUMP in this city!