Sunday, June 24, 2012

Devote this week to prayer for the teams!

BUMP Philadelphia's prayer focus this week is on the incoming teams. With two weeks to go until BUMP begins here, the students and leaders from Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church will be working hard to prepare to join the ministry of Grace. Pray for them to be ready - ready to receive, sacrifice, learn, stretch, grow, transform before they return home. YOUR prayers ARE missionary action!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Meet Grace Church Philly!

Grace Church of Philly and Pastor John Davis were recently featured in an online publication of Temple's Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab!

“Christianity has sort of a bad rep. We want to demonstrate that there is a Christianity that is full of grace, that is simple, that is livable, that brings hope.” BUMP is blessed to serve alongside them in this mission!

Read, see and know more about the heart of this church at: Philadelphia Neighborhoods

Thursday, June 7, 2012

30 Days of Prayer for BUMP

Join us on the road to BUMP Philadelphia by praying daily for the needs of the city, the community, the teams and the church!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Welcome to BUMP Philly!

BUMP Philadelphia becomes a reality for the first time in 2012! Serving at Grace Church Philadelphia will be Emmanuel Evangelical Free of Hermann, MO. Also supporting BUMP week at Grace is Fellowship Bible Church of Philadelphia. BUMP runs from July 8 - 14th.